What are the Onboarding Process Steps 

In this article, we will outline the steps typically involved in an onboarding process and discuss the importance of each step.

onboarding process

Onboarding is the process of introducing a new employee to the company and their new role and work environment.

In this article, we will outline the steps typically involved in an onboarding process. Discuss the importance of each step in helping the new employee feel welcomed, supported, and prepared for their new role.

Onboarding process steps

Onboarding is the process of educating an employee about the products and services, and job responsibilities of the company.


This step involves preparing for the new employee’s arrival and making sure all necessary paperwork and materials are ready. This may include completing any necessary background checks, setting up a workstation or office space, and preparing any necessary training materials.


New employee orientation is a formal event where the new employee is introduced to the organization’s structure, vision, mission, and values.

On the first day, you should welcome the new employee and give them a brief overview of the company, its culture, and their role within the organization.

This may include a tour of the facilities, introductions to key staff members, and a review of the company’s policies and procedures. This process can be too much for a new employee, so it is best to spread it out over a few days or a week, if possible.


The new employee will likely need some training to get up to speed on their new role and responsibilities. This may include classroom-style training, on-the-job training, or a combination of both.

The goal of this step is to provide the new employee with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. It is helpful to identify the company’s enduring values and desired goals.

Mentoring and buddy system

Having a mentor or buddy can be a valuable resource for a new employee. It gives them someone to turn to with questions and concerns. The mentor provide guidance and support to the new employee as they navigate their new role.

Mentors and buddies can assist a new employee for a day, a week, a month, or even a year. Depending on the length of the formal onboarding program and the personal relationship that develops.

Setting goals and expectations

It’s important to set clear goals and expectations for the new employee from the start. This may include establishing performance targets, outlining the new employee’s responsibilities, and setting a timeline for their development.


Onboarding doesn’t end on the first day or even the first week. It’s important to provide ongoing support and evaluation to ensure the new employee is adjusting well and meeting their goals. Therefore new employees are already familiar with the company culture, benefits and administrative processes. 

Successful retraining therefore depends mainly on a manager who integrates the employee into the role and team culture.

This may involve regular check-ins, providing additional training or resources as needed. Soliciting feedback from the new employee on their experience and how the company can better support their success.

Final thoughts

The onboarding process is important to make employees feel welcome, supported and successful in their new role.

By Following these steps, companies can ensure that their new hires are properly integrated into the organization and ready to hit the ground running.

Hope you found this article useful and if you are interested take a look at our other articles about Why is onboarding important and Productivity during remote work.

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